Best Facebook Messenger Bots You Can Use In 2021

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  • Post category:Technology
  • Post last modified:February 5, 2022
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Digital marketing is one of the best channels major business drive their traffics and sales, it can be terrible most time when you have to reply more than 5 or 6 potential consumers simultaneously, with the use of Artificial intelligence embedded with Facebook which is referred to as Chatbox, you can handle messages from your clients effectively.

Some users who already integrated chat box with their Facebook handle sometimes are not satisfied with the features in their current chat box, as you know as time passes technologies evolves and better features are integrated with existing innovations, we will be writing relatively on top 5 Facebook Messenger Bots You Can Use in 2020, they are free without charge while you pay token for the premium version, easy to set up, you have the choice to pick from the list we will be giving shortly.


#1: Chatfuel

To start up with on bot builder on Facebook is Chatfuel, you need not any particular skill or any idea of programming to implement the bot. On the free version of Chatfuel, you have premium access for subscriber up to 5k, it may not be as easy at first use of this bot, because it is relatively different from another chatbot builder, but you will get along as time passes and you get accustomed with this builder. You have access to unlimited features on the premium version of this builder which goes for just $15 per month.

#2: Leadformly

This bot builder gives access for you to segment your clients to different categories and segments as you may desire. This bot builder is one of the best you can deploy for your chatbox build. Also, you need no special skills to implement this; it is easy to set up and use.

#3: Flow XO

This is another chatbox builder that cut across the board; you are not limited to just Facebook only, you can deploy this bot builder on your website as a widget, you can make use of it on another platform that requires you to use a bot. It is easy to use, you have access to a reasonable feature on the free version but have access to more on the paid version, you have to pay a token of $19 per month to start using the premium version.

#4: Botsify

This chatbox builder has an integrated feature you will not easily find with another bot builder, after sign up you get Botsify free of charge and also there is a platform for the premium version that will cost you just $10 per month. You can integrate this bot with various platforms like WordPress, Shopify, and Alexa, it enables you to create conversion forms that give rooms for a human technician or staff to take over the conversation.

#5: ChatterOn

ChatterOn is one of the fastest chat builders you can ever imagine to have on your platform. You can set up your bots under 6 minutes. ChatterOn gives room to select from over 20 in-built bots, and you can start with any with a simple builder. This bot builder is free for all, just that you are limited to only 15 messages per month in which you will have to pay $0.0010 per messages once you exceed the monthly gauge of 15k words.




Conclusion On Best Facebook Messenger Bots You Can Use in 2020

As you plan to step up your game and handle more of your client’s request per time, it is important you deploy the use of better bot builder to be rest assure you have everything set for your business.

Tag: Best Facebook Messenger Bots You Can Use in 2020