Donald Trump Phone Number and Office Number

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  • Post category:Guide
  • Post last modified:February 5, 2022
  • Reading time:10 mins read

One of the questions that have darkened the mind of many who are big fans of United States Of America and of Course Donald Trump the current President of good people of United States Of America is what is Donald Trump Phone Number? Some even go as far as asking Donald Trump Instagram, Donald Trump Twitter Handle and many more, it is exciting, and it is expected, so here we will be giving you all the contact of information to reach Donald Trump the President of United States.

But before we forge ahead in our adventures, here are the few questions we shall be looking at

  • Who Is Donald Trump
  • What is Donald Trump Phone Number?
  • What is Donald Trump Email?
  • What is Donald Trump Instagram Account?
  • What is the White House Email?
  • What is the White House Official Phone Number?
  • How Can I send message to White House?

This and many more are what we will give precise answers to as we further in the course of this topic. But before you forge ahead to read about Donald Trump Phone Number, you need to know that this content is relevant for information and readers with good intentions, if you try things not legal with any contact information that will unravel here you will be held responsible for every of your actions, this is a disclaimer note to those who may hide under this platform to perpetrate evil, we will not be liable for any evil act done with information gotten from this blog.


I know by now so many will be curious to understand Donald Trump Phone Number 2020,  cannot wait to get Donald Trump Phone email and other information, but hold on, some people are ardent readers of and just came to read this post and they may not know who Donald Trump Is, so for the sake of such people, we will be doing a brief introduction of Donald Trump.

  • Who is Donald Trump?

Of course he is not a new name to many, those who are current and follow international politics and internal environment know the man called Donald Trump, Donald Trump is the 45th democratically elected president of United States of America, he was the successor of the great Barrack Obama first African-American and Black to become the President of United States of America.

do you need Donald Trump Phone Number?

Donald Trump is a big-time Businessman, a very strong leaders who ever since his inception in the year 2017 as the president of America as receive a lot of commendation and of course abuse both on social media and personal interview, many believe he is a very controversial and a racist, some believe he is the type of man American really needs why some believe Donald Trump is just a clan that got to power to ride and cannot control his reactions to every issues and situation. So, that been said, let is go straight to the real deal.

  • Donald Trump Phone Number 2020

Donald Trump Phone Number is 1-202-456-1414, even though this is not
his direct phone number, this is the number you can get him through, if you are really ready to send across a vital information, that needed to get right to the president of America, you make use of the official number, Donald Trump personal phone number cannot be made public because he is the president of a compassionate nation that both spies, enemies and sworn enemies are ready to trail every call and information received by the president, he might not be safe and all information may not be confidential that was the reason you need to make use of the official line to get in touch with the president.

Here are the other phone number of Donald Trump you can get him through.

    • Switchboard: 1-202-456-1414
  • TTY: 1-202-456-6213
  • Comments: 1-202-456-1111
  • Visitor’s Office: 1-202-456-2121
Donald Trump Instagram 2019.
Donald Trump Instagram 2020.

With the above information, you can be rest assure all info will be relay down to the president, this line has been specially set up to prevent information breach and spies watching over the edge. Not until recently that Donald Trump himself shared his direct phone number with world leaders in a conference, he was heard loud and clear saying, call me and brief me on any information, many readers and expert has commented on this, some said it is not security for the person of his position to make his phone number available so as to forestall any security breach, but the only comment informative update could make, United State is one of the states with the best security system and expert in communication technology, so needed plans will be on ground to secure the president even as he makes use of his direct line for open communication from world leaders.

  • Donald Trump Facebook page

And if you ever thought you are not comfortable with the Donald Trump phone number we have provided above, you may need to know his Facebook handle, so Donald Trump Facebook address is, with this you can get in touch with Donald Trump directly on the accessible social media page, be rest assured he will be the one to respond to any messages you may be sent to him via that account. Also, be rest assured that you may not be able to send a friend request to Donald Trump on that account, all you have got to do is follow his profile to read any of his updates and anything he has to share with the world.

  • Donald Trump Twitter Handle/Account

Also to the ever trending twitter account, nearly everyone is on this leading social account, Twitter is a very matured social media that you can find almost top celebrities on the platform, to connect with Donald Trump on Twitter Account follow or you can follow him @DonaldTrump.

  • Donald Trump Instagram Account

As at now, we could not find any verified Instagram account that is related to the 45th democratically elected president of United States Of America in person of Donald Trump, even though you may find many fake accounts on his name, in fact, there are many fake Donald Trump Phone Number online be careful to pick and call such lines.

  • Donald Trump Official Email

We have noted the other time that he is the nationwide president whose security is paramount not to his country only but other allied countries, so to contact Donald Trump via his email, you need to contact him via this email






  • White House Contact Information

You see the best way to relay any of your information or anything to the United State President is via the White house contact information, all of your messages will be treated as highly confidential and of course will get to the table of the President. Here is the white house information should in case you need to send in vital information to the house.

  • Official White House Website:
  • Contact:
  • Contact the White House: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
  • Washington, DC 20500
  • Phone Number:
  • Switchboard: 1-202-456-1414
  • TTY: 1-202-456-6213
  • Comments: 1-202-456-1111
  • Visitor’s Office: 1-202-456-2121


  • Format of Mailing The White House

While sending a letter to the president, few things are expected of such sender; it is expected you do the following

  • You should write your message in 8 and a half sheep paper
  • If you decide to hand write, do ensure to write neatly legibly and ensure you deploy the use of the pen in your writings.
  • It is advisable you include in your letter, a return address and package your message in an envelope, here is the address you should post your message to

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

  • Sending Gifts to Donald Trump

Yes, you are surprised? President of a nation? Donald Trump and her wife encourages the citizens and lover of his administration to send in gifts to them to be one way they help support their charity ideas, most gifts you want to send to the president, and it is always used for charity purpose. But you are guided not to send in goods that can perish quickly, gift items such as cash, bonds, foreign currencies and other gifts that relate to money are not welcome in the White House.

Conclusion On Donald Trump Phone Number 2020, Office Number, Instagram and all You Need To Know

You see, Donald Trump is one of the strongest men in the world, it is worthy of note that you may need the contact information of the influential president for one reason or the other, but we have given you vital information on all you need to know about Donald Trump Phone Number 2020, Office Number, Instagram and all You Need To Know. So, we are expecting a feedback from you, drop your observations, recommendation and all you want us to be informed of, and if you want us to write on any subject matter, you can drop all of this information via the comment section or send us an email, we are always available to review and work on all your contributions. If you find this topic informative, you can share with friends on social media and every platform you are.

Tag: Donald Trump Phone Number 2020, Office Number, Instagram and all You Need To Know