Pain on the Inside the Knee – Types, Causes, and How to Treat

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  • Post last modified:February 2, 2022
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Pain on the Inside of the Knee- Our discussion in this article today is about Pain on the Inside of the Knee. This can be frustrating and excruciatingly painful, which may impair your movement if not quickly and properly manage before it deteriorates. There are many causes to why Pain on Inside of Knee with no Swelling can also occur, some of which are not caused by disease, but physical activities or exercises can also be a contributing factor too. Fortunately, there are several treatments available for Inner Knee Pain treatment. Thus, if you are experiencing Pain on the Inside of the Knee, then you need to read through this article to learn more about it and as well learn of possible treatment.


The knee consists of bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. The tendons connect the knee bones to the leg muscles that aid the movement of the knee joint.

One would not blame the knee for experiencing pains sometimes, the function of the knee is crucial including walking, running, jumping, skipping, bending or even sit down and importantly, it supports your body weight. In addition, the knee has one of the complex joints.

  • What are the Causes of Pain on the Inside of the Knee?

Some of the factors that lead to Pain on the Inside of the Knee are:

  • Injury

Sustaining a knee injury during a sport or exercise that puts a strain on the knee joint can cause knee pain. Also, the Inner Pain on the Knee can be caused by trauma due to an accident or where a person has fallen on their knee.

  • Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Tear or Sprain

MCL is a group of tissue that runs along the inner edge of your knee. Its role is to connect the shin and thigh bones to keep the knee working properly and stable.

The tear of MCL can occur when it stretches far enough or if the outside of your knee suffers a heavy hit. Your knee will over-extend itself, or bend too far in a direction it’s not supposed to when your MCL is injured.

Pain on the Inside of the Knee

  • Meniscus Tear

Meniscus tear is a common knee injury that leads to Pain on the Inside of the Knee. Both knees have two menisci, and they are C-shaped pieces of cartilage that act as a cushion between your shinbone and your thigh bone. One of the menisci is located on the inside, or medial side, of your knee.

A meniscus tear may occur if you participate in an activity that lets you to forcefully rotate or twist your knee, especially when you assert your full weight on your knee thereby causing you to experience Pain on the Inner Knee and.

Pain on the Inside of the Knee
Pain on the Inside of the Knee
  • Bursitis

Bursa is a small fluid sac located near the knee joint. It is the inflammation of this fluid sac that is referred to as bursitis. The bursa function as a cushion between the bones and tendons so as to reduce friction.

Bursitis can be responsible for why you feel Pain on the Inside of the Knee because it commonly occurs on the inner region of the knee just below the knee joint or over the kneecap.

  • Knee Osteoarthritis

Talking on causes of Pain on the inside of the Knee, Osteoarthritis is one of the commonest cause that makes you feel the severe pain in your knee region. Knee osteoarthritis commonly happens typically among middle-aged or older people as a result of infection or injury and can be hereditary for some people.

Osteoarthritis occurs as a result of wear and tear of arthritis as a result of the wearing away of the natural cushioning between joints, or cartilage. The pain arises as a result of the bones of the joints running closely against one another with little of the shock-absorbing benefits of cartilage.

  • Medial Knee Plica Syndrome

Plica means “the fold in the thin tissue that lines the knee joint,” allowing the knee to bend and move the leg easily. The medial (inner) plica is one of the folds found in the knee. The medial plica can get irritated due to an injury or overuse of the knee.

Trauma which occurs when the knee gets hit hard can cause Medial knee plica syndrome. Also, the increase in activities, particularly exercise, can also result in this syndrome.

Treatment of Pain on the Inside of the Knee

Luckily, Pain on the Inside of the Knee can be treated and sure will disappear in no time. You can either treat it at home (home treatment) or go to see a physician who will attend to you and provide expert recommendation for you. However, most of the knee pain injuries or inflation can be resolved by using home treatment.

  • Rest your knee

One of the simple ways to solve Pain on the Inside of the Knee is to rest your knee. If you are sure that the injury occurred during activities such as sports or other physical events, avoid this activity(s) until the knee has healed.

  • Use an Ice Pack

This is a common and simple step to ease yourself from knee pain. By Applying an Ice pack on the injured area of the knee for 30 minutes at least three to four times a day, can reduce the pain or inflammation, thereby relieving you of the pain. You can buy Ice packs from pharmacies and online, or you can make one in your home.

  • Anti-Inflammatories

You can also use anti-inflammatories as an Inner Knee Pain Treatment. You can use over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen.

  • Exercises

Exercises such as quad stretch, hamstring stretch, and half squats can help to strengthen your knee and improve the healing process reducing and taking away the pain.

  • Consult a Physician

If home treatments are not effective. Inner Knee Pain Treatment, you should consult a doctor to determine the best course of treatment. A physician will prescribe to you may stronger pain medications than the ones you got over the counter.

Symptoms of Pain on the Inside of the Knee

Headache on the top of the Head comes with symptoms to watch out for, these include

  • A pop and Feel Pain along the Inside of the Knee

This means that you must have probably torn your Medial Collateral Ligament. When this happens, you will hear a popping sound and as well feel the pain along the edge of your knee.

  • Swelling, Stiffness, and Pain Inside of your Knee

When you feel this symptom, just know that a meniscus tear has occurred inside of your knee. You can also hear popping sound or feel a popping sensation too; all these are a pointer that you have torn your meniscus. This can be accompanied by a sharp pain sensation when rotating or twisting your knee.

  • Warm, Tender and Swollen

When you put Pressure on your knee, and you feel a warm, tender, and swollen feeling on the Inner of your Knee, then, this is a result of an inflamed bursa (bursitis). However, the symptoms of bursitis can vary depending on the cause of the inflammation and the bursa that is infected. You can even experience pain when you move or rest your knee.

  • Pain, Swelling, Stiffness and Decreased Movement when the Knee is Active

When you experience pain, swelling, stiffness, and decreased movement, especially when the knee is active in the process of walking, jogging, or running, it means that you are probably suffering from osteoarthritis. You may also hear creaking, crackly sound when the knee moves.

  • Locking of Knee, or Hear a Clicking Sound

The symptom above occurs as a result of medial knee plica syndrome. Your feet tend not to feel stable during activities. You will find it difficult to climb the staircase easily or other movement activities. In fact, the knee may feel itchy or worse at night, and also when you feel hurt when you want to bend, squat, or get up from a sit after sitting for a long period.

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Conclusion on Pain on the Inside of the Knee – Types, Causes, and How to Treat

Pain on the knee can be mild or severe, depending on your approach to it. Ensure you attend to any slightest pain felt on the knee before it escalates into something big and will warrant you going to consult a physician. You can apply the simple treatments in this article to get rid pain on the inside of the knee.

Tag: Pain on the Inside of the Knee – Types, Causes, and How to Treat